[Image Source] I will get to definitions in a minute, but to set the tone for what follows, readers should consider that the one thing the American political class and their cohorts in the collective mass Communications...
Betraying A Nation: Pt . 3- Paine On America
[Author’s note: Part III and IV of Common Sense, together, present Paine’s thoughts and observations on America-specific issues and concerns. Respectively, they are titled “Thoughts on the present...
Betraying A Nation: Pt . 2- Paine On Hereditary Succession
Before we get into the fine print of Part II of Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, it’s worth taking some time to look a little closer into this man and how it was that he came to be such an important figure in...
Betraying A Nation: Pt . 1- Paine On Government
[Image Source] Betraying a Nation, a simple expression consisting of a mere six syllables, will take many thousands of words to describe, explain, and put into context as it relates to modern America. It’s going...
Betraying A Nation: Introduction
The end of the year 2023 is days away, and not long after 2024 begins, the American Nation and all the people of which she is comprised will begin anew the process of tearing itself into little pieces along ideological...
Some Spring Cleaning
Greetings! As I write this, Easter, 2023, has just gone by, and now that Spring is finally here, it feels like a good time to share a few updates with those who subscribe to the Substack page(s) or follow along at the...
Blessed Are The Humble
No matter which side of the ideological fence you identify yourself as being aligned with (unless you have just crawled out from underneath a rock), the current state Humanity finds itself in can only be described as a...
When The Feigned Outrage(s) Met Their Maker
Old enough to remember a world that was only connected by pen, paper & stamp, or rotary dial phones, I can assure the younger generations that “Social” Media has completely kicked the legs out from...
A Mostly Peaceful Midterm Coup
At the end of part II of our first book, “Unwashed Philosophy: A User’s Guide For Our Imperfect Union,” my writing partner Vassar and I offered up an approximately 5,000-word presentation on the...
A Teachable Moment On Electoral Freedom And Independence, Courtesy Tulsi Gabbard
Let me begin by assuring readers that this is not a puff piece on Tulsi Gabbard; she is a liberal, and I am a conservative, and in matters of politics, there are very few things the two of us would agree on...
Midterms ’22: For All America Has Given Us
Somewhere in the middle of my raging levels of hot mess hormones, at roughly 15 or 16, I remember like it was yesterday that my grandmother got after me about my rising levels of angst and decreasing levels of interest...
Progressive Fascism: America’s Soul In Crisis
As a simple matter of fundamental physics, every process that expends energy requires an ongoing supply of fuel in order to continue or face termination of the process once the supply is exhausted. I grant you that...