Saturday, February 8, 2025

Progressive Fascism: America’s Soul In Crisis

As a simple matter of fundamental physics, every process that expends energy requires an ongoing supply of fuel in order to continue or face termination of the process once the supply is exhausted. I...

Intro & Ch. 1

For Tammy

The Plan; or How Shite Happens…by Anonymous

(Sent to me several years ago, and just re-found while going through my stack of stuff.) (Deep and prescient on more than one label) In the beginning was the Plan. And then came the Assumptions. And the Assumptions...

Bluff King Hal, a satire of English History

(VB: The funniest thing is I could teach this to college freshmen today and they’d all believe it.) Henry VIII was a strong king with a very strong sense of humor and VIII wives, memorable...

How Things Work For People who Don’t Read, or Won’t Read

America has come to a crossroads and the outcome all depends on whether the majority, who for all those years didn’t read, and now won’t except in 240-character couplets, clean up their acts. I’ve told...

Why Did Jesus Only Preach to the Little People?

  Or, Organizing Government from the Top Down; Is Jesus for it, or against it? This is an exercise in logic. My friend, JadedbyPolitics, editor at, and current Precinct Project firebrand in Northern Virginia, where the light of honest...

“Interlude”- For Dave

In 1942, just as WWII was starting in America, Bernard DeVoto published the first volume of his trilogy about the American expansion into the West, (The Year of Decision, 1846) which in historical time...

Historical notes of the Transcendence of the American Theology

While working on another project it dawned on me that the way I described the American theology in 2015 as a transcendent occurrence, much like "being born again", may have appeared to be a...

On The Matter Of Sharing

While it is the intention of this website to stay singly focused on matters of Philosophy and the unwashed masses, it is incumbent upon me to take a moment to review where we...

Everything you ever need to know about flowers

Credibly empower enterprise wide mindshare for excellent "outside the box" thinking. Proactively mesh impactful meta services rather than enterprise results. Professionally generate end-to-end human capital holistic networks. Authoritatively customize cross-media imperatives rather than client focused schemas.