Essential American Wisdom

Human Sense: Pt. II – On The Governed-1st o4 4

Of the things that might be said about our species, the last surviving species of the genus Homo, what we know cannot be summed up in an introductory paragraph any more than could the sum total of what has been said about us across the span of...

Human Sense: Pt. I – On The Governing

Humankind is arguably the most enigmatic species on Earth; the greater our successes with individual sovereignty, freedom, and liberty, relying on our inherent free will-driven pursuits of living self-determinate lives, the more readily we...

Human Sense: Introduction

Two and a half centuries ago, the American ruling Authority “marched into Lexington and Concord intending to suppress the possibility of rebellion by seizing weapons from the colonists.” The armed aggression against the citizenry did not...

Democracy: The American Political Class Dogwhistle

[Image Source] I will get to definitions in a minute, but to set the tone for what follows, readers should consider that the one thing the American political class and their cohorts in the collective mass Communications ecosystems want you to...

Betraying A Nation: Pt . 3- Paine On America

[Author’s note: Part III and IV of Common Sense, together, present Paine’s thoughts and observations on America-specific issues and concerns. Respectively, they are titled “Thoughts on the present state of American affairs”...

Some Spring Cleaning

Greetings! As I write this, Easter, 2023, has just gone by, and now that Spring is finally here, it feels like a good time to share a few updates with those who subscribe to the Substack page(s) or follow along at the...

Blessed Are The Humble

No matter which side of the ideological fence you identify yourself as being aligned with (unless you have just crawled out from underneath a rock), the current state Humanity finds itself in can only be described as a...

Retributive Injustice

Before there were Kings, there was order and cooperation in pursuit of the shared goal of survival; small groups formed to sustain themselves, undertaking tasks according to individual merit, competence, and proven...

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