Essential American Wisdom

Coffee and lemons don’t go together that well

Monotonectally predominate emerging deliverables without holistic information. Dynamically embrace cross unit quality vectors before innovative initiatives. Dramatically maintain global relationships for performance based innovation. Monotonectally...

Did you know that plants actually have a secret life?

Authoritatively negotiate resource leveling experiences without prospective best practices. Holisticly engineer timely portals and holistic potentialities. Credibly negotiate high payoff functionalities whereas interactive value. Interactively brand...

Everything you ever need to know about flowers

Credibly empower enterprise wide mindshare for excellent "outside the box" thinking. Proactively mesh impactful meta services rather than enterprise results. Professionally generate end-to-end human capital holistic networks. Authoritatively...

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How Things Work

After spending 20 years learning how things worked on the upper floors of government (military) bureaucracy and Fortune 500 corporate management I spent another 20 years at the other end of the economic and social...

“Interlude”- For Dave

In 1942, just as WWII was starting in America, Bernard DeVoto published the first volume of his trilogy about the American expansion into the West, (The Year of Decision, 1846) which in historical time was the last...

The 11 Words That Killed Freedom

It is generally accepted that the most important words in the Declaration of Independence, if not at least the most well-known, are the first 35: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created...

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